The Video Game Trophy Room: Episode 55 - Super Mario Sunshine

Gamecube: Super Mario Sunshine
Woooo! That one took some time! I'd just like to appologize for the quality of the image here first of all. I know it's not a shot of the special ending but I when I took it with the camera and finally scanned it into the computer, it was blury >(. This one turned out all right, considering it's on TV. Next time I play a game on an actual television I will try and get a better picture.

Anyways, this game took me forever. I had been playing it off and on for a few weeks but over the last couple of days I really buckled down and started playing. I managed to get everything, all 120 shines. Pretty fun. Some of them however are ridiculously hard. Overall though it added to the challenge. (Though losing 30 lives in one level is a bit insane, and that doesn't include all the times I picked up a 1up to offset the life I lost in there...)

I know this game is pretty much universally ignored because most people think it's crap, and I have to be honest I was one of them for many years, but on my second play through the game definitely provides a good deal of entertainment. I'd recommend it!

posted by themoogle at


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