The Video Game Trophy Room: Episode 81 - The Curse of Monkey Island

PC: The Curse of Monkey Island

Happy 420 everyone! I'm not a huge celebrator of many occasions, but 420 and the May 2-4 weekend I tend to go out of my way to celebrate. On to business however!

Curse of Monkey Island is the third installment in the Monkey Island franchise, and is a personal favourite of mine. When it first came out 13 years ago it was a massive step up from Monkey Island 2.

I managed to finish this in about 2 days but I could have easily done it in less. I was taking my time to savor the moments. As you can see I had to take a picture of it with my camera which is why it is so blury but I forgot because the game is played in DOS using Prt Scrn doesn't work properly :\. I debated replaying it in a special program to allow me to take a screen shot of the end (because I was unable to convert my save files over to said program) but in the end I thought it looks good enough.

Some of you may remember me beating the remake of the original Monkey Island back in September, and the reason that I have skipped over the sequel to that game is because there is a REMAKE of it in the works! It should be coming out this summer, so I will make sure to get it once it hits the shelves.

posted by themoogle at


Blogger Katonic said...


October 26, 2011 at 9:19 PM  

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